Section 1: The Virgin Stuff (179 questions)

With 0 questions down, you're 100% pure.

Have you ever...

1 ...hugged somebody?
2 ...kissed a friend or stranger as a friendly gesture?
3 ...stolen a kiss?
4 ...kissed and told?
5 ...held hands with someone?
6 ...been on a date?
7 ...been on a date that lasted until after one a. m. the next morning?
8 ...gone to a scary movie as an excuse to get close to someone?
9 ...stood someone up?
10 ...been stood up?
11 ...dated someone on a regular basis?
12 ...gone steady?
13 ...slow danced?
14 ...slam danced?
15 ...copped a feel while slow dancing?
16 ...had the symptoms of Russian fingers (rushin' fingers)?
17 ...had the symptoms of Roman hands (roamin' hands)?
18 ...played doctor?
19 ...french kissed?
20 ...necked?
21 ...been interrupted by the police while necking (were they more embarrassed than you were)?
22 ...directly asked someone whom you were not going out with and had never gone out with if they were a virgin?
23 ...told somebody something "for their own good"?
24 ...flirted?
25 ...flirted with someone who was related to you? (sister, cousin, in-law, etc.)
26 ...hit on someone even though they were engaged, married, or otherwise taken?
27 ...used physical strength, physical power, or any physical prowess, or prowesslessness as a factor in pick-up, get-to-know-you-better routine?
28 ...used tickling as a pick-up, get-to-know-you-better-routine?
29 ...been picked up?
30 ...picked someone up?
31 ...picked up sailors (marines, soldiers)?
32 ...affected an accent to aid pickup lines?
33 ...secretly lusted after someone without that person knowing?
34 ...dropped subtle hints to someone you liked/loved/wanted, hoping that they would pick up on it?
35 ...written anonymous "love letters" to someone? (secret admirer, etc. That is, dropped some not-so-subtle hints)
36 ...bundled (shared a bed, sleeping bag, or sleeping accommodations with someone of your prefered sex without anything steamy happening)?
37 ...broken your word, promise, or vow?
38 ...told someone that you loved them when you did not?
39 ...told someone that you loved them strictly because you wanted to have sex with them?
40 ...lied to someone at someone else's request?
41 ...lied about your sexual preference in order to avoid a date?
42 ...done something that you don't want someone to know about (parents, employer, boy/girlfriend, spouse, roommate)?
43 ...done something that you are too embarrassed to talk about?
44 ...played footsie or 'kneesie'?
45 ...played footsie or 'kneesie' with someone not your date, significant other or spouse?
46 ...attempted to corrupt someone's morals?
47 ...attempted to corrupt someone's morals and discover it is too late?
48 ...questioned someone about their sex life when they were incapable of not answering (e. g. they were truly wasted, or talking in their sleep)?
49 ...questioned a significant other about their sex life when they were incapable of not answering?
50 ...used whatever they said against them?
51 ...been told that you were/are a bore?
52 ...been bar hopping?
53 ...been to a cocktail party?
54 ...slept in your undies?
55 ...slept in the nude?
56 ...slept in class or while on watch?
57 ...disturbed others by snoring? (classroom, business meeting, etc.)
58 ...photocopied parts of your body? (face, hands, feet)
59 ...photocopied personal portions of your anatomy (tits, ass or genitals)?
60 ...given your kids unusual names (Shanda Lear, Laurel Ann Hardy, Dweezle)?
61 ...dyed your hair an outrageous color (deliberately)?
62 ...shaved your head?
63 ...uttered/muttered/yelled/screamed (or in other words, verbally expressed) obscenities?
64 ...used 'fuck' or 'shit' as a noun, adverb, adjective, pronoun, infix, suffix, prefix or prepositional article in a sentence?
65 ...cussed in your sleep?
66 ...ever been reprimanded (punished) for verbally expressing obscenities?
67 ...skipped class or work?
68 ...skipped class/work with teacher/boss?
69 ...been in military service?
70 ...made an unregistered explosive device (a bomb)?
71 ...used an unregistered explosive device?
72 ...gossiped?
73 ...written graffiti?
74 ...plagiarized?
75 ...shoplifted?
76 ...stolen?
77 ...traded on inside information?
78 ...attempted to commit suicide?
79 ...had a fake id?
80 ...made fake id?
81 ...sent a chain letter?
82 ...started a chain letter?
83 ...made or acquired 'elint' (electronic intelligence) equipment (bugs)?
84 ...installed or used 'elint' equipment (wiretaps, tape recorders, etc.)?
85 ...removed the tag that says "do not remove under penalty of law"?
86 ...rode public transportation w/o paying?
87 ...pistol whipped someone?
88 ...carried concealed weapons?
89 ...evaded taxes?
90 ...evaded custom duties by not declaring something subject to a duty or tax?
91 ...driven over the legal speed limit?
92 ...drag raced (on the street)?
93 ...driven without a license?
94 ...bought or sold anything on a black market?
95 ...used bootleg/pirated/underground software?
96 ...plotted felony?
97 ...been a pool, card or chess shark?
98 ...incited a riot?
99 ...plotted a coup (civic class doesn't count)?
100 ...committed sedition (plotting to overthrow the government)?
101 ...committed treason?
102 ...looted, pillaged, plundered, or burned (The Barbarian Pentathlon; Barbarians can't count)?
103 ...made out a check that bounced?
104 ...welshed on a bet or wager?
105 ...offered sexual favors as payoff for a wager?
106 ...offered another's sexual favors as payoff for your wager?
107 ...used someone else's credit card without their knowledge and/or consent?
108 ...committed breaking and entering?
109 ...seen a snuff film?
110 ...plotted conspiracy?
111 ...plotted to murder someone?
112 ...committed murder?
113 ...been arrested (Picture taken and all that wonderful, free stuff?)
114 someone else's diary without their knowledge and/or consent?
115 ...searched someone else's room without their knowledge and or consent?
116 ...hired someone more for their looks?
117 ...been attracted to someone more by an article of their clothing than by their body?
118 ...asked someone to wear a particular article of clothing not because it was 'sexy' but because it turned you on?
119 ...worn clothing that was "revealing" (either of your figure, or that emphasized 'strategic' locations)?
120 ...worn clothing that you didn't know was THAT revealing (like the seat has ripped out or such)?
121 ...gone for more than one day in the same set of underwear?
122 ...been in public without wearing underwear?
123 ...disrobed in public?
124 ...been a member of a nude colony?
125 ...been to a nude beach?
126 ...sunned your buns or tanned your can?
127 ...walked around your room/apartment/house/habitation in the nude? (Must be a serious walk; five minutes of going around trying to find your undies after a shower doesn't count.)
128 ...walked around in a public or semi-public area with a top (shirt, T-shirt, etc.) but no bottoms (pants, shorts, etc.)? (Dorm hallways, lobby areas, etc. are acceptable; however, locker rooms, bathrooms, and such places where this behavior is acceptable do not count.)
129 ...mooned somebody?
130 ...mooned or flashed someone from the front?
131 ...streaked, flashed, or otherwise exposed pretty much totally yourself in public before an informal, unofficial gathering of people?
132 ...streaked, flashed, or otherwise exposed pretty much totally yourself in public before a formal (official) gathering of people? (Such as for a function, stage performance, charity dinner, etc.?)
133 ...posed nude or semi nude for private drawings, paintings or photographs as a 'favor'?
134 ...posed nude or semi nude in public (e. g. art classes) as a 'favor'?
135 ...posed as a model for purposes of erotic, pornographic or sexually explicit art?
136 ...asked someone to pose nude or semi nude for private drawings, paintings or photographs as a 'favor'?
137 ...asked someone to pose nude or semi nude in public (e. g. art classes) as a 'favor'?
138 ...asked someone to pose for erotic, pornographic or sexually explicit art or photographs?
139 ...served cheap booze?
140 ...passed cheap booze as the expensive stuff?
141 ...fed someone dogfood?
142 ...eaten dogfood?
143 ...not paid your library fines?
144 ...instigated a raid (panty or otherwise)?
145 ...watched Benny Hill, Monty Python, Dr. Ruth, Donahue, Geraldo or Oprah?
146 ...watched primetime soaps?
147 ...been to a bar?
148 ...been to a gay bar?
149 ...been to a leather/biker bar?
150 ...been in or started a food fight?
151 ...started a fight?
152 ...started a bar fight?
153 ...started a brawl?
154 ...been to a rock concert?
155 ...been to a heavy metal concert?
156 ...listened to acid rock?
157 ...listened to acid rock while on acid?
158 ...been a groupie?
159 ...been a roadie?
160 ...thought about starting a band to meet groupies?
161 ...thought about starting a band to get good dope?
162 ...told someone you were with the band?
163 ...told someone you were with the band, and it worked?
164 ...played records backwards to hear the secret messages?
165 ...found the secret message recorded backwards on an album?
166 ...sung dirty songs, the kind with no subtlety in the lyrics (e.g. Let's get drunk and Screw)?
167 ...been sad because someone you knew was getting married?
168 ...been sad because someone you knew was getting married and now you'd never get to sleep with them?
169 ...wanted something or someone that someone else has, simply because they have it and you don't (coveted)?
170 ...helped to cover for someone's escapades (provide alibi, accommodations, opportunity)?
171 ...been besieged by someone who thought they could satisfy you and make an honest person of you?
172 ...been nicknamed for a behavior pattern of yours ('Sleepy')?
173 ...been nicknamed for an aberrant behavior pattern of yours ('Sleazy', 'Sickling')?
174 ...had your ears pierced?
175 ...pierced someone else's ears?
176 ...worn body paint?
177 ...worn obscene or suggestive t-shirts?
178 ...worn t-shirts with obscene or graphic messages in a language you didn't read?
179 ...been to a funeral as a form of entertainment (ala Harold of "Harold & Maude")?