Section 1: Platonic Relations (19 questions)

For this section, if you are mostly a:

  • heterosexual, then your partner in deed, often referred to by the word "someone" or "partner," is to be someone of the OPPOSITE gender.
  • homosexual, then your partner in deed, often referred to by the word "someone" or "partner," is to be someone of YOUR OWN gender.
  • 50-50 confirmed bisexual, then your partner in deed, often referred to by the word "someone" or "partner," is to be someone of the OPPOSITE gender.

With 0 questions down, you're 100% pure.

Have you ever...

1 ...kissed a friend or stranger on their hands or their head/neck region as a friendly gesture?
2 ...held hands with someone?
3 ...had a date?
4 ...had a date past 1 a.m.?
5 ...dated someone on a regular basis?
6 ...picked someone up?
7 ...been picked up?
8 ...gone steady?
9 ...slow danced?
10 ...had the symptoms of Russian Fingers ("rushin' fingers")?
11 ...had the symptoms of Roman Hands ("roamin' hands")?
12 ...shared a bed, sleeping bag, or sleeping accommodations with someone without anything steamy happening?
13 ...given a back or neck rub or massage with no ulterior motive?
14 ...used tickling as a pick-up, get-to-know-you-better routine?
15 ...directly asked someone whom you were not going out with and had never gone out with if they were a virgin?
16 ...used physical strength, physical power, or any physical prowess, or prowesslessness as a factor in pick-up, get-to-know-you-better routine?
17 ...secretly lusted after someone without that person knowing?
18 ...dropped subtle hints to someone you liked/loved/wanted, hoping that they would pick up on it?
19 ...written anonymous "love letters" to someone (secret admirer, etc. That is, dropped some not-so-subtle hints.)?